Three part series hosted by Jonathan Ross, telling the story of Eric and Ernie's attempts to break America. Over the course of five years in the 1960s, Morecambe and Wise made multiple trips to New York to appear on the USA's biggest variety show, The Ed Sullivan Show. The untold story of their attempt to make it in the States is documented for the first time, including footage that has never been shown on British television before.
Season 1, Episode 1
In March 1963, Eric and Ernie made their first trip across the Atlantic to appear on The Ed Sullivan Show. Jonathan Ross tells the story of how they had been spotted appearing at The London Palladium by Sullivan, and how he booked them for three performances in that year. At first the American studio audience weren't sure what to make of Eric and Ernie, and on their first appearance they were listened to in virtual silence. They selected a more physical routine for their second performance, and the reaction improved. With the Sullivan Show's huge ratings, they had begun to crack America. Featuring footage never seen in Britain before, as well as personal home movie footage from Eric and Ernie's own collections, this episode tells of Morecambe and Wise's first steps in their American adventure.
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